Propolis Extract


Propolis extract in pure alcohol 40% V / V helps to boost the immune system.It has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, healing and anti-parasitic action.

40% pure alcohol
NO sugar added

In a small cup of coffee with light warm water for sore throat, gargling and swallowing 5 drops for children up to 12 years, 10 drops for adults. Do not use in infants.
For internal and external use.

Propolis is  collected by the bees and enriched with saliva, wax and other substances. It is used as an insulating material to protect against the cold in winter or as a mean of sealing cracks in the hive to prevent the entry of other insects. They use it to disinfect the cells in which the baby bees will grow. (Source: Diploma Thesis Nizami Panagiota, MSc Bio-Entrepreneurship, University of Thessaly Department of Health Sciences, Department of Biochemistry, Biotechnology)

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